Erik Fenton
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0''
Hair Color: Snow White (natural)
Hair Style: Erik's hair is worn in a long ponytail, that hangs down past his rear. His bangs hang messily across his face, largely covering his left eye. His hair is a bit spiked up top, more from it not being kept perfectly neat than from any type of styling.
Eyes: Orchid
Extras: Erik has two tattoos by his eyes-he has a straight, plain black line that goes through his left, and a curvy black line that extends from the right corner of his right eye, down to his mid-cheek. Underneath his left arm, and down on his lower right torso, he has two areas that have rotted out.
Birthday: October 21st
Zodiac: Libra
Race: Unstable Ghost Hybrid
Occupation: N/A
Extras: Vegetarian, Chain-smoker. His body is easily influenced by things such as alcohol and sugar.
Family: Jack Fenton, Jeremy Manson (grandfathers), Maddie Fenton, Pamela Manson (grandmothers), Jasmine Fenton (aunt), July Fenton (cousin), Danny Fenton (father), Sam Fenton (mother), Selene Fenton (younger sister), Solaria Fenton (younger sister).
(At any time)
-Enhanced Senses, Strength, and speed
(At full potential)
-Object Levitation
-Soul Stealing and Manipulation
-Soul Necromancy
Personality: At first meeting, most pin down Erik as your typical delinquent. Overall not very socialable, at least not in the sense that most boys his age are, he largely keeps everything to his self, and to his best friend. He's not one to talk too much about what's going on inside of his head, and can be quite secretive. He comes across as being a jerk, in part because that's how he wants to come off. He's temperamental, and can become quite annoyed when he feels that something of his has been taken away. He is a bit possessive, and somewhat obsessive.
However, for those who know him better, they would discover that he actually has quite the nice side to him. He's sweet, really, and can't stand the sight of people crying, especially if he caused it. He has a bit of a hero complex, which he denies to death. He is very close to his younger sister, Selene, and is quite protective of those that he cares for.
Born as the only son of Daniel and Samantha Fenton, he is the only one of the Fenton children to ever know his parents, however briefly. Outside of his grandparents on his father's side, he is the only one that knows how his mother truly died-he had been listening as his parent's discussed what they would do with their grandchildren. He was young when she passed away, only two, but the fact that her father was nowhere around during all of this still struck him just as deeply. As he grew older, and his father did not return, leaving he and his younger sisters with their grandparents, he began to hate the man that he had once adored so much.
Though born with unusual white hair, Erik's ghost powers stayed largely dormant until he entered his last year of middle school. He started to fall inexplicably ill when he was thirteen, eventually to the point where he could barely leave his bed. He threw up constantly, almost irregardless of whether he ate or not.
Then one day... he simply got better. No one could quite explain how it had happened, he had been sick for so long. It was around that time that he started to be seen more often with Kyle, and started to close himself off to the world more. It was also around then that his nightmares begin-horrifying, vivid ones, that kept the entire house awake. Selene, always the empathetic one, took to being with her older brother during these nightmares-for she loved him very much. And it helped, to a degree.
In truth, his closeness to Kyle had resulted in the mysterious cure. Kyle, whose original soul had long since been discarded in place of the demonic one that had taken his place, taught Erik how to consume and manipulate souls, in order to preserve his life. Though Erik was reluctant at first, it didn't take long before he began to seriously fear dying in such a way, rotting from the inside out, that he eagerly took to the study.
As he grew older, he went through several distinct personality phases. At the age of fourteen, he simply would not speak to anyone except Kyle, and occasionally Selene. As fifteen came around, and the nightmares remained, he found himself becoming addicted to several kinds of drugs. He was eventually able to break free from all addictions except for one-he is a chain smoker. At sixteen, he chose to drop out of school, and his nightmares ended. At seventeen, he started to leave the Fenton home for longer periods of time, sometimes not even coming home for months.